Package: pgirmess 2.0.3

pgirmess: Spatial Analysis and Data Mining for Field Ecologists

Set of tools for reading, writing and transforming spatial and seasonal data, model selection and specific statistical tests for ecologists. It includes functions to interpolate regular positions of points between landmarks, to discretize polylines into regular point positions, link distant observations to points and convert a bounding box in a spatial object. It also provides miscellaneous functions for field ecologists such as spatial statistics and inference on diversity indexes, writing data.frame with Chinese characters.

Authors:Patrick Giraudoux [aut, cre], Jean-Philippe Antonietti [ctb], Colin Beale [ctb], Ulrike Groemping [ctb], Renaud Lancelot [ctb], David Pleydell [ctb], Mike Treglia [ctb]

pgirmess.pdf |pgirmess.html
pgirmess/json (API)

# Install 'pgirmess' in R:
install.packages('pgirmess', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:



7.10 score 5 stars 2 packages 414 scripts 2.0k downloads 148 mentions 43 exports 19 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:6420bb2e6c. Checks:3 OK, 4 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 23 2025
R-4.5-winOKJan 23 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKJan 23 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEJan 23 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEJan 23 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEJan 23 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEJan 23 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Convert a bounding box into a sf object.bbox2sf
Confidence interval of percentagesCI
Gives an index vector of the class category of each value of a numerical vectorclassnum print.clnum
Gives a correlation matrix and the probability of Ho for each correlationcormat
Computes Moran's or Geary's coefficients on distance classescorrelog plot.correlog print.correlog
Convert a POSIXt date into categories corresponding to a autumn/winter/spring sequencedate2winter
Computes the edge of a square from its diagonaldiag2edge
Empirical confidence interval of the bootstrap of the difference between two Shannon indicesdifshannonbio
Computes new coordinates given bearings and distances.dirProj
Computes segment directions.dirSeg
Computes distances to the nearest neighbourdistNNeigh
Computes the distances between each nodes of a polyline.distNode
Computes distances between the top coordinates of segments.distSeg
Computes the total length of a polyline.distTot
Homothetia (size expansion) of a polygonexpandpoly
Computes the distance between the centroid and the most distant coordinate of a geographical coordinate setfindR
Multiple comparisons after Friedman testfriedmanmc
Multiple comparison test after Kruskal-Walliskruskalmc kruskalmc.default kruskalmc.formula
Kolmogorof-Smirnov goodness of fit test to normal distributionks.gof
Count the nearest observations to points corresponding to track intervalsmergeTrackObs
Produces a matrix of scatterplot, regression coefficient and p(Ho)pairsrp
Provide square polygons or their node coordinates along a segmentpave
Random permutation of a contingency table n row x 2 columnspermcont
Permutation test for lm, lme and glm (binomial and Poisson) objectsPermTest PermTest.glm PermTest.lm PermTest.lme print.PermTest
Computes the Pianka's index of niche overlappiankabio
Bootstrap Pianka's indexpiankabioboot
Computes the polygon coordinates of a circlepolycirc
Computes the polygon coordinates of a circle sectorpolycirc2
Jackal and Genet diet in Algeriapreybiom
print method for objects of class 'mc'
Draw line segments between pairs of points.Segments
Model selection according to information theoretic methodsselMod selMod.glm selMod.list selMod.lm
Computes Shannon's and equitability indicesshannon
Computes Shannon's and equitability indices from a data frame of dietary analysis (n, biomass,...)shannonbio
Boostrap Shannon's and equitability indicesshannonbioboot
Data on rats trainingsiegelp179
Thin a track just keeping the points separated by a user defined minimal distancest_thintrack
Convert a contingency table (data.frame) into a presence/absence table of categoriestabcont2categ
Convert a transect coordinate file with some waypoints separated by NA into a matrix with intermediate coordinates replacing NA.trans2pix
Convert a transect coordinate file into a matrix with segment coordinates.trans2seg
Convert MULTILINESTRING and/or LINESTRING into POINT geometry with points at regular distance between nodestransLines2pix
Simplify the list of a TukeyHSD object keeping the significant differences only.TukeyHSDs
Center a numerical vector on a parameter position and provides absolute values and colors according to negative and positive valuesval4symb
Write a data.framewrite.delim
Write a data.frame that has Chinese characterswritecn.delim